Cheryl Lazarus, CLC, CRC.

Cheryl Lazarus, CLC, CRC.

Cheryl Lazarus, CLC, CRC

For over 20 years, Cheryl has helped people transform challenging and stressful situations into positive outcomes and opportunities. 

Cheryl Lazarus is a Certified Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster Facilitator.. In addition, Cheryl is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), an Ordained Interfaith Minister, as well as a Certified Life and Relationship Coach who is trained in Gestalt Therapy. 

Cheryl also combines Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Animal Reiki and Energy Healing to help people and pets during health or emotional challenges.

Cheryl used Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster for her own surgery. She felt peaceful before surgery, minimized pain medications and recovered quickly. 

Cheryl has presented at the United Nations, professional organizations and on expert panels. Cheryl incorporates the mind, emotions and spirit in her work. Clients find her guidance to be calming, empowering and insightful.